GPZ Bearings - Spherical roller bearings

Catálogo GPZ Bearings para Spherical roller bearings. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Diámetro interior Diámetro exterior Ancho Peso Description Price Category
23204 20 47 14 111 0167017120000 $147,67 Barrel roller bearings
23206 30 62 16 204 0167017470000 $199,30 Barrel roller bearings
23207 35 72 17 287 0167017550000 $199,90 Barrel roller bearings
23208 40 80 18 371 0167017710000 $206,72 Barrel roller bearings
23211 55 100 21 646 0167018280000 $296,34 Barrel roller bearings
23212 60 110 22 799 0167018520000 $302,82 Barrel roller bearings
23213 65 120 23 1.083 0167018870000 $349,62 Barrel roller bearings
23214 70 125 24 1.133 0167018950000 $333,64 Barrel roller bearings
23215 75 130 25 1.240 0167019170000 $453,71 Barrel roller bearings
23216 80 140 26 1.519 0167019330000 $425,22 Barrel roller bearings
23217 85 150 28 2.175 0190001620000 $541,39 Barrel roller bearings
23218 90 160 30 2.760 0167019680000 $640,85 Barrel roller bearings
23219 95 170 32 3.133 0167019760000 $726,67 Barrel roller bearings
23220 100 180 34 3.916 0167019920000 $753,78 Barrel roller bearings
23222 110 200 38 5.525 0167020180000 $866,11 Barrel roller bearings

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