Talbot - Self-aligning ball bearings

Catálogo Talbot para Self-aligning ball bearings. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Diámetro interior Diámetro exterior Ancho Peso Description Price Category
W315 80 140 26 1.650 0167004900000 $96,14 Self-aligning ball bearings
51943 25 62 17 251 0167006780000 $34,28 Self-aligning ball bearings
P62194 30 72 19 384 0167006940000 $34,21 Self-aligning ball bearings
3621902000 20 47 18 133 0167027000000 $28,58 Self-aligning ball bearings
303122 30 62 20 250 0167027940000 $33,07 Self-aligning ball bearings
P40047 30 72 27 495 0167071330000 $59,10 Self-aligning ball bearings
7001 40 90 33 925 0167073380000 $76,30 Self-aligning ball bearings
64873 45 100 36 1.209 0167073620000 $89,35 Self-aligning ball bearings

Next-Generation distribution

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