Rexroth - Control cover without spool position monitoring

Catálogo Rexroth para Control cover without spool position monitoring. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Description Price Category
R900516284 LFA100D-6X/F $3.429,89 LFA..D (standard)
R900593397 LFA100D-6X/F/12 $3.371,60 LFA..D (standard)
R900977105 LFA100D-6X/FV $3.364,14 LFA..D (standard)
R900720612 LFA100D-6X/FX15 $3.471,30 LFA..D (standard)
R901136682 LFA100D-6X/FX20 $3.393,64 LFA..D (standard)
R900931987 LFA100D-6X/FX20/12 $1.927,50 LFA..D (standard)
R901327895 LFA100D-6X/FX20V $3.808,98 LFA..D (standard)
R900523075 LFA100D-6X/FX25 $3.407,32 LFA..D (standard)
R901166663 LFA100D-6X/FX30 $3.460,76 LFA..D (standard)
R900523982 LFA100D-6X/FX40 $3.375,98 LFA..D (standard)
R900950161 LFA 100 D-6X/FX40/12 $1.931,48 LFA..D (standard)
R900969103 LFA100D-6X/FX50 $3.406,79 LFA..D (standard)
R901312180 LFA100D-6X/FX99 $3.395,47 LFA..D (standard)
R900566376 LFA100G-6X/ $5.858,18 LFA..G
R901228514 LFA100G-6X/V $5.870,22 LFA..G

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